

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Being Human – SyFy’s Horror Hybrid

“A ghost, a vampire and a werewolf walk into this townhouse… Sounds more like the beginning of a joke. Just when you thought there could be no more medical shows or vampire series, I give you Being Human. Not your usual paranormal thriller, Being Human has blended a medical show and a vampire series creating a unique hybrid. Imagine, if you will, the melding of a Grey’s Anatomy and True Blood. I was a fan of the BBC series, while the SyFy version is just slightly more campy.

Being Human centers on a pair of male nurses named Aidan and Josh. Aidan is a 120 year-old vampire desperately trying to squelch his blazing desire to feed on all the ladies who fling themselves at him. Josh is the nervous werewolf roommate despondent with the radical, limiting transmogrification of his life. In an attempt to try and live a “normal” life, the two undead rent a townhouse together. They are surprised that their new home is haunted by Sally, an earthbound ghost.

These three characters grapple with their arcane afflictions while trying to achieve some sense of normalcy. Credit must go to Jeremy Carver and Anna Fricke, the couple who brought Being Human to the United States. Not only are they married, but Carver wrote for Supernatural and Fricke wrote for Everwood, making Being Human the perfect blend of fantasy excitement and earnest relationships, blended with a dash of whimsical comedy.

The series has a darker edge than say Twilight and less pathos than Grey’s Anatomy, but has a winning blend of engrossing drama and witty, understated humor. It keeps the fact of the characters’ menace front and center in the midst of the laughs.

Being human is difficult enough when not hampered by supernatural influences. I like the sense of realism with regard to the trio’s struggles of being in-human. For example, Sally practices her manifestation techniques and illuminates the plausible difficultly spirits have in moving objects or being heard. The two nurses continually wrestle with the dramas of humanity and compassion despite their being, well, inhuman.

The series is in it’s second season and tantalizing plot twists have surfaced. I would love to give some spoilers because it’s just that good, but won’t. You’ll have to check out Being Human on Hulu or SyFy for yourselves.

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