

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Good Maid of Honor Speeches - How To Make A Really Good Maid of Honor Speech

If you are the maid of honor in a wedding, then one of the tasks you are going to have to undertake is to give a good maid of honor speech at the event. This is a task that will take some preparation, some planning, and some practicing to ensure that you are able to carry it out with precision, and timing to ensure the proper effect is laid upon the audience. This task is often times much more difficult to do than to set up the bachelorette party!

Good maid of honor speeches are ones that have a personal connection between the maid of honor, the bride, and the groom. If you don't have the personal connection between the groom, then the bride will do. The impact won't be quite the same, but it will still work just fine.

Here are some of the key points when writing top maid of honor speeches -

Make is personal
Keep it brief
Put some humor into the speech
End it with some words of inspiration
Making a wedding speech personal takes time. You need to sit back and reflect upon the relationship you have with both the bride and the groom. If it goes all the way back to childhood, pull some memories from back then. In making the speech personal, ensure that you remember this is about them, and for them. This speech is not about you and your relationship with the bride and groom - rather about their relationship. Ensure you put something into the speech about how they met, and how you heard about their first meeting. Making it personal to them and how you interact with their lives. This will make it a speech that is remembered forever from this special day.

Keeping the maid of honor speech brief is important. Nobody showed up that day to hear you speak. They showed up for a wedding, and to get on with the party afterwards. Keep the speech under two minutes for best effect.

Putting some humor into the speech is a way to capture the entire audience and engage them into your speech. This helps to lighten the mood, and will often help with any butterflies you may be experiencing prior to the speech being made.

At the end of the speech you need to include some words of inspiration that people will remember and will help guide them in their lives. Ask family and friends for some advice here. Remember, we remember things in sound bites and this last word of inspiration is what people will remember your speech by. Also it's worthwhile to mention that the best maid of honor speeches end with lovely wedding toasts as it's the best way one can congratulate the newlyweds. The bride is probably your best friend and there's no harm if your speech turns out to be one of those so called best friend maid of honor speeches.

A really good maid of honor speech will capture the audience attention and set the mood for the rest of the evening, or afternoon depending on the time of the wedding. You need to ensure you practice the speech prior to going up and doing it, nothing is worse than just winging the speech for the wedding party.

I lately came across a really good maid of honor speech. Watch and tell me what you think. Here it is.

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