

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Time Management - The Importance Of Delegating Tasks

One way that many people can increase their
productivity, and thereby improve upon their overall
time management skills is through learning to delegate
responsibilities to others. Whether in personal or
professional life "no man is an island unto himself."

When time constraints and looming deadlines threaten,
it is not the weak person, but the strong one, that
can assign some of the burden to others.

Many people with time management difficulties simply
have taken on too much. In one’s personal life it can
be difficult to say "no" and in one’s professional
life it can be downright impossible. An angry boss or
supervisor is not something anyone wants to deal with.
If you find yourself in a crunch that you can’t
possibly get out of, this may be the time when you
simply must call in the reinforcements.

Whenever possible a team approach to large projects
and difficult tasks should be adopted in the
professional world. While some people may have a
difficult time trusting others to carry their share of
the load, learning to delegate can be an important
step in to more effectively using your time.

Decide upon what skills you have, and which aspects of
the project are most suited to your own level of
ability and creativity. Assign smaller tasks, such as
running copies, doing research work, to others. This
frees up your time and energy to concentrate on the
more important aspects of the job.

At home tasks can be delegated to other family
members. Even the youngest child can learn to do some
chores, such as picking up toys, or putting towels on
a shelf.

By requiring children to share some of the burden of
household chores you are also teaching them to be
responsible, and helping them prepare for adulthood.

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